Should you write a birth plan?

Let’s talk birth plan

Do you have one? Or are you going with the flow

Does the flow mean do anything your care providers recommends?

Or does the flow mean ride the waves of the contractions and hope for the best?

It’s hard to come up with a birth plan when you don’t know all your options.

When working on your birth plan consider these steps:

1. Don’t rush it, allow for flexibility as you learn more during your pregnancy. Share it with your provider and ask questions. When you hire a doula this is usually something that is covered in great detail.

2. Do your research! Take a childbirth ed course, learn about medical interventions, research your care providers birth stats, hire a coach who can walk you through everything. The more evidence based information you know, the easier it is to make decisions.

3. Learn ways in pregnancy to tap into your intuition. A strong healthy gut and focused mind are your two main areas that your intuition hangs out. Prenatal yoga is one of the best ways you can learn to connect to these strong birthing powers.

My Birth Warrior course is open for enrolment and helps prepare you on all levels of what birth may throw at you!

Link in my bio to join today


Or if your looking for private one on one support, I also am booking for late 2022 and early 2023 births.







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