10 Ways to a more Satisfying Birth

Focus on how you want to FEEL , not any specific outcome!

Warrior Wellness - 10 Ways to a more satisfying birth

1. Choose a birth place you can feel confidant will respect your birth wishes. Maybe consider a birthing center or home birth with a midwife. Find and choose a caregiver who has low intervention rates and encourages the use of self-help techniques. Consider a midwife! Local midwives are .... www.mobhh.ca @midwivesofhalton

2. Take care of your pelvic floor and core @eramosaphysiotherapy @meryl.epa.pt

3. Educate yourself and prepare for birth. Take a childcare class, join a prenatal yoga class, learn about feeding with moi! And follow accounts that support the 4th trimester. @mamainmind

4. Hire a doula. Like me! Hehe. The continuous support a doula can provide, prenatal, during and post natal often leads to an increased satisfaction with your birth experience.

5. Take care of yourself during pregnancy. Exercise and eat well to feel good and encourage a speedier recovery.

6. Learn to differentiate the signs of early labor and active labor so you can delay hospital admission. Use coping mechanisms to stay home as long as you can.

7. Use a variety of positions and movements to keep gravity on your side like walking, dancing, rocking on all fours or a birth ball, taking a shower etc.

8. Listen to your body. Move intuitively. Close your eyes and let your body and baby lead the way. Let your body tell you what it needs.

9. Patience. Try and let birth happen on its own through meditation, relaxation, movement and time.

10. Be flexible. Allow the birth of your baby to unfold divinely and exactly the way your baby was supposed to. Try not to be set in any particular way and be open to the bigger picture. Be accepting and non judging of yourself through this sacred time.

All of these steps can work together to help to create and OWN your own unique birth story.

Peace and love. Kristin xoxo


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